Puppy Curriculum
1 to 4 Weeks
Once the babies have their little eyes and ears open and they begin wobbling around on all four paws, we change their ‘maternity suite’ into a ‘toddler room’ which includes sensory toys that crinkle, some that have little nobbly bobbles to chew, toys that roll when touched and toys to cuddle up too. We’ll also provide their water bowl so they can start copying their mama and lapping on their own. This is also when the toilet training begins for the puppies.
They are introduced to LYKA for their dinner and Advance Dog Biscuits which have been soaked in water and blended into a paste.
4 to 5 Weeks
At 4 to 5 weeks old, our puppies are now introduced to the outdoors within their purpose built puppy play zone. Here they get the feel of the weather, have their grass for toileting, comfy beds for sleeping and snuggling, and a lot of hanging items for tug of war, toys for chewing and chasing, water play and lots of room to play.
5 to 6 Weeks
Growing in confidence each day they are then introduced to the lawn which is a lot larger than their puppy play zone, and includes climbing items, ramps, tunnels and balance beams as well as geese, chickens and guinea fowl on the other side of the fence.
6 to 8 Weeks
When the puppies reach 6 to 8 weeks of age we ramp up our sensory and learning, allowing puppies access to our back verandah. They confidently learn to walk through doorways and a large ‘flap free’ doggy door, water ‘play’ in the bathtub with bubbles, floating toys and siblings, gentle brushing, lessons on walking up the two stairs to enter the house and walk to their bedrooms and then into the playpen sleeping area. This gives them routine and confidence for end of day expectations.
Puppies are exposed to a range of noises with their first noise of the day being the grinding of coffee beans.
During the early morning and early evening, they are used to all household noises including the vacuum and electric mop, air-fryer, music, television and grandchildren. During the day in their puppy play zone, they experience the noise of cars, tractors and garden machinery such as whipper snippers, ride on lawn mowers and blowers as well as our chickens and geese, cows and goats and horses.
The puppies are always surrounded by their Aunties and Mama’s in the home and garden during the day. This experience allows their Mama and Aunties to teach manners to the pups and also provide gentle play and chase.
Throughout their first 8 weeks, they are handled regularly not only by us but also by friends and family we invite to give the puppies confidence with different people and different ways of being handled.

Ready to meet you!
By the time a puppy is ready to meet their new family and head to their new home, they have been exposed and experienced many of life’s day to day noises and events. This helps with settling into new environments as they’re already used to the sounds, they just have to get used to their new rules and people.